Completed -
CloudSigma would like to inform you that the scheduled Network maintenance in our Zurich cloud was successfully completed.
No interruption or degraded performance was observed during the maintenance of the network infrastructure.
Mar 21, 01:46 UTC
Update -
CloudSigma would like to inform you that Network maintenance at our Zurich cloud location will be extended by an additional 2 hours.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Mar 20, 23:18 UTC
Update -
CloudSigma would like to inform you that Network maintenance at our Zurich cloud location will be extended by an additional 1 hour.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Mar 20, 22:15 UTC
Update -
CloudSigma would like to inform you that Network maintenance at our Zurich cloud location will be extended by an additional 1 hour.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Mar 20, 21:15 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Mar 20, 19:00 UTC
Scheduled -
CloudSigma would like to inform you that we are planning to perform a scheduled maintenance of our Network infrastructure of the Zurich cloud. More precisely, we will be optimizing our network setup in the cloud.
During the maintenance, a brief interruption in the storage operations is expected.
Mar 13, 02:28 UTC