Completed -
Alpha3Cloud would like to inform you that the planned hardware maintenance in the Washington DC cloud location, was completed successfully. During the maintenance, we replaced a faulty drive on one of our storage nodes.
During the maintenance work, there was no impact on running VMs, nor on the cloud performance.
Feb 12, 03:51 UTC
Update -
CloudSigma would like to inform you that the Maintenance has been extended by an additional hour. No additional impact is expected.
Feb 12, 03:11 UTC
Update -
CloudSigma would like to inform you that the Maintenance has been extended by an additional hour. No additional impact is expected.
Feb 12, 02:05 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 12, 01:00 UTC
Scheduled -
Alpha3Cloud would like to inform you that we are planning to perform hardware maintenance at our Washington DC cloud location. During the maintenance, we will be replacing a faulty drive on one of our storage nodes.
There will be no impact on already existing customers’ virtual machines, hosts, network accessibility and/or any other running services.
Feb 5, 01:53 UTC